The Noble Sacco Society Ltd
The Noble Sacco Society Ltd
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The Noble sacco society was registered on 10th February, 1977 as Wareng Teachers Sacco Ltd – Reg No 2624 with a membership of 674 and share capital of Kshs. 56,000 at the end of that financial year. To date the total membership of the society is 12000 with Share capital standing at 136M and Members Deposits at Kshs 1.5 Billion at the close of 2019 financial year. The Sacco has won several awards for its outstanding performance, Products and service diversification and prudent management. The Noble Sacco stands on its building adjacent to the co-operative bank of Kenya ltd along the Ronald Ngala Street; in Uasin Gishu County in the republic of Kenya. The official postal address of the organization is The Noble Sacco Limited P.O. Box 3466, 30100- Eldoret, Kenya. Or official email:
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Since : 01-01-1970
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