Vacancy title:
Chief Economist
Jobs at:
National Police Service CommissionDeadline of this Job:
Tuesday, June 20 2023
Date Posted: Tuesday, June 06 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed
JOB GROUP ‘R’ V.NO. 3/2023
Duties and Responsibilities
Specific duties include:
• Direction of economic planning functions or production of statistical data at the National Level
• Coordination and formulation of national development strategies, Policies and Programs.
• Preparation of national development plans and coordination of national positions on international economic subjects
• Monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes
• Planning and management of human resources, projection of manpower needs and training to meet national development objectives, population surveys and complilation of data for planning and social services
• Assisting in collection, collation, processing and administration of statistical data in accordance with the Statistics Act
• Formulating coordinated strategies, policies and programs for the harmonius development of the economic sectors, carrying out sectoral studies and research, monitoring changes in key indicators of sectoral economic structure, trends and efficiency.
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade:
• Served in the grade of Deputy Chief Economist/ Deputy Chief Statistician for atleast three (3) years or other comparable and relevant position in economic planning
• Attained qualification in Economics or Statistics of atleast Masters of Arts, Masters of Science or Master of Philosophy level or their equivalent recognized qualifications
Education Requirement: No Requirements
Work Hours: 8
Experience in Months: 36
Level of Education:
Job application procedure
• Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications ONLINE through jobs portal:
• Detailed Job descriptions to be obtained at the Commission website
Other Requirements
• Shortlisted candidates will be expected to bring the original certificates for verification during the interview.
• Shortlisted candidates for the positions at job Group ‘R’ and above will be required to satisfy the requirement of Chapter Six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.
Applications should be addressed to:
The Commission Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer
National Police Service Commission
Sky Park building, Westlands
P.O. Box 47363 -00100 NAIROBI
So as to reach the Commission by the close of business on or before 20th June 2023 at 5.00 pm. East African Time(EAT).
Any form of canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualification
• Interested and qualified? Go to National Police Service Commission on to apply
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